Brent Gambrell: Essence of.. flowers?
Brent Gambrell: Silhouette
Brent Gambrell: But Maw! I want this there fish!
Brent Gambrell: HAMSTER! ..or.. as I truly called it, "RODENT!"
Brent Gambrell: But, MOM! I want to play with the bull!
Brent Gambrell: Future Diva
Brent Gambrell: I told you about the party!
Brent Gambrell: 4-6 year at the train tracks. Bring the booze, I'll supply the cigs.
Brent Gambrell: She looked at the train and it broke off it's tracks and flew away.
Brent Gambrell: See the world through something else.
Brent Gambrell: She tried to explain, that not everything that breathed, was evil.
Brent Gambrell: Go Go Gadget isn't real.
Brent Gambrell: Hey guuuuuuuurl!
Brent Gambrell: Cassidy 072
Brent Gambrell: Cassidy 079
Brent Gambrell: Cassidy 048
Brent Gambrell: Cassidy 045
Brent Gambrell: Entrance to the secret garden