brenski: The best thing for 40 degree heat
brenski: OK! These things are called "Nose Bears" and are really cute
brenski: Decent to the falls
brenski: Criscross of walkways to the falls
brenski: Our hostel gang pose for a shot
brenski: Getting closer
brenski: The boat gets a closer look
brenski: Tourists take a dip
brenski: Photo! Photo!
brenski: The hordes enjoy a fine spray
brenski: Umbrella Vs Waterfall... bets are now closed.
brenski: Crossing to Isla San Martin
brenski: Isla San Martin
brenski: Swimming at the falls
brenski: Bathers cooling off on Isla San Martin
brenski: The shortest ferry ride
brenski: Viewing platform gets a rainbow
brenski: Looking down the falls
brenski: The boys
brenski: Entrance to the lighthouse
brenski: Greedy little Nose Bears
brenski: Inguazu Inferior
brenski: Getting the train between falls
brenski: Water snakes?
brenski: Crossing one of the many rivers that feed the falls
brenski: An aligator lingers under the bridge
brenski: Walkway destroyed by floods
brenski: Crossing Iguazu Superior
brenski: Looking over to Brazil
brenski: Tourist take in the ferocity of the Devil's Throat