brenski: Donna has her choice of seats on the bus
brenski: The High Shcool band marches
brenski: The best view on Plaza del Teatro
brenski: Breakfast at Fruteria Monserrate
brenski: The last football/snooker supper. Call the number for an explanation
brenski: A statue to the Virgen de Quito atop Cerro Panecillo
brenski: Views of Quito from Cerro Panecillo
brenski: The Monestry of Santo Domingo
brenski: Plaza de Santo Domingo
brenski: Ice cream vendor take his job seriously
brenski: Yes sir!
brenski: Quito traffic jams
brenski: We hide in a dorway during the downpour
brenski: The Chiva partybus does not stop for rain
brenski: Another Chiva patries on through the downpour
brenski: Great light, as well as lightning, hits the Cathedral in Quito Newtown
brenski: Chiva by night
brenski: Plaza de San Blas
brenski: DSC_2961
brenski: The party on our street for Dia de Quito
brenski: The entertainment for the locals
brenski: Donna and Gail boogie with the locals
brenski: Our street the day after... Medic!
brenski: The buses at Otavalo are hard to miss
brenski: Otavalo Market
brenski: Otavalo Fruiteria
brenski: Very colourful Alpaca wool
brenski: Incense holders at Otavalo
brenski: Crazy crush
brenski: Oink!