brenkee: The moment your heart turns towards itself, your mind turns towards Truth.
brenkee: Floating
brenkee: Budapest drain cover
brenkee: Be open to being nothing
brenkee: Snail
brenkee: ladybug pupa / katica bábja
brenkee: deep in the woods, you find wonders
brenkee: deep in the woods, you find beauty
brenkee: Burger à la Marc&Ben
brenkee: Hasselblad 500C/M
brenkee: Bird bath
brenkee: Sarlós babérpáfrány / Cyrtomium falcatum / House holly-fern or Japanese holly fern
brenkee: Roses Through Pentacon Six
brenkee: "When there is nobody left to keep quiet, there is unbroken Silence...."
brenkee: lily
brenkee: green tomatoes