brenkee: bokeh fun
brenkee: Moss Spore Capsules
brenkee: bokeh fun
brenkee: Moss & Lichen
brenkee: cigarette smoke bokeh
brenkee: purple crocus in rain
brenkee: tiny mushrooms on a tree
brenkee: Pine tree leader
brenkee: lichen
brenkee: Snail / Éticsiga (Helix pomatia)
brenkee: Moss Spore Capsules
brenkee: Mályvarózsa / Alcea rosea / Common hollyhock
brenkee: spider web
brenkee: Madársóska / Creeping woodsorrel / Oxalis corniculata
brenkee: Ghosts of RGB
brenkee: Hey Guys!
brenkee: so light, so graceful
brenkee: viola
brenkee: microcosmos
brenkee: Dragonfly a'la carte
brenkee: Here is your monastery, your ashram, your temple, your home, your Self
brenkee: Curled Rose Sawfly caterpillar - Fehéröves levéldarázs hernyója - Allantus cinctus
brenkee: Praying Mantis / Imádkozó Sáska
brenkee: Floating
brenkee: The moment your heart turns towards itself, your mind turns towards Truth.
brenkee: Snail
brenkee: deep in the woods, you find wonders
brenkee: deep in the woods, you find beauty
brenkee: The first petals of the spring
brenkee: raindrops on fern