brenkee: sprout in a leaf
brenkee: Buddhas
brenkee: thoughts are just water drops
brenkee: Buddha over white birch
brenkee: Buddhas
brenkee: Bird bath + bush
brenkee: It's All Happening By Itself
brenkee: Sad Statue
brenkee: The Silence of Being
brenkee: Be your Heart and the mind will follow
brenkee: ...the fragrance of that unity...
brenkee: Your form is still here, but inside: Nobody
brenkee: When you disappear personally, you will be left universally
brenkee: om mani padme hum
brenkee: Be a Joke Unto Yourself
brenkee: Just quietly vanish inside yourself, disappear. So beautiful.
brenkee: signet of time
brenkee: what can possibly be wrong in this moment except what you imagine or think?
brenkee: Chain Bridge - Budapest / Lánchíd Multiexpo
brenkee: Rose / Matthias Church / Rózsa / Mátyás Templom
brenkee: Listen acutely to that one that has no voice
brenkee: This Peace is only known when the noise of the person is not present.
brenkee: Stay as the timelessness beyond even the concept of timelessness.
brenkee: Your true Self however, does not need to practice anything, for it is unchangingly perfect and timelessly present.
brenkee: symmetry in the concrete jungle
brenkee: What light will shine in the world because your mind falls into your heart.
brenkee: Unlike time, you are not passing!
brenkee: So natural that you don't even have the concept of freedom anymore.
brenkee: om mani padme hum
brenkee: When the spell of conditioning is broken, your Being dances like writing on water – spontaneous and untraceable.