brenda5410: Ha my student card, I look so stupid~~
brenda5410: Good morning sunshine!!
brenda5410: Bright sunny day
brenda5410: DSC04928
brenda5410: nice bed
brenda5410: I love this residence
brenda5410: my bathroom
brenda5410: DSC04937
brenda5410: Ready for shopping
brenda5410: Mable and I
brenda5410: behind us is the Parkinson building
brenda5410: Tooooo shiny
brenda5410: That's a church
brenda5410: when on earth is the bus comming?
brenda5410: shiny shiny
brenda5410: We got Hugo Boss here
brenda5410: city center
brenda5410: 精品街
brenda5410: Hey, we also got a St Johns here! But it's a shopping mall, haha
brenda5410: 戰利品
brenda5410: 帽子台幣90元,白色仿皮外套台幣750元
brenda5410: nice~
brenda5410: 仿皮黑色大包包-台幣360元
brenda5410: 淺咖啡色休閒鞋-台幣500元
brenda5410: 超好穿間頭低跟皮鞋 -台幣500元
brenda5410: 棉質睡衣-台幣240元
brenda5410: DSC04959
brenda5410: 回家休息很開心喔