BrendanMcGarry: Mew Gulls
BrendanMcGarry: Red-throated Loon
BrendanMcGarry: Looking Into Elliot Bay
BrendanMcGarry: Killdeer Banner
BrendanMcGarry: Ever Watchful
BrendanMcGarry: Down Woodpecker
BrendanMcGarry: Is that a Snowy Owl?
BrendanMcGarry: #newcamera #nowimbroke #fullframe #gamechanger
BrendanMcGarry: The Alpen Glow
BrendanMcGarry: Low Sun Over High Mountains
BrendanMcGarry: The Tatoosh
BrendanMcGarry: The Gray Jay
BrendanMcGarry: The Pigeon Observes the Mountains
BrendanMcGarry: Pinnacle and Castle
BrendanMcGarry: Reflection Lake Frozen
BrendanMcGarry: The Noble Pigeon
BrendanMcGarry: Rain Runnels
BrendanMcGarry: Below Pinnacle Peak
BrendanMcGarry: Sooty Shearwater Speedup
BrendanMcGarry: Thinking of Shaw island...I wake up to the sound of the freeway and no birds in Seattle. #countryliving #sanjuans #afternoonwalk
BrendanMcGarry: Freedom!
BrendanMcGarry: Take Off
BrendanMcGarry: The Toss
BrendanMcGarry: What's going to happen to me?
BrendanMcGarry: Beautiful
BrendanMcGarry: Your's Truly
BrendanMcGarry: Having Fun
BrendanMcGarry: Anxiety or Curiosity?
BrendanMcGarry: A Temporary Conveyance