BrendanMcGarry: Mountain (Nuttal's) Cottontail
BrendanMcGarry: Malheur Maar
BrendanMcGarry: Sage Lizard
BrendanMcGarry: Sage Lizard Belly
BrendanMcGarry: Sage Lizard
BrendanMcGarry: Pacific Chorus Frog
BrendanMcGarry: HDR Crack
BrendanMcGarry: Off the Lek
BrendanMcGarry: Male Sage Grouse on Lek
BrendanMcGarry: Sage Grouse Fight
BrendanMcGarry: Strutting Display
BrendanMcGarry: Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus)
BrendanMcGarry: Ord's Kangaroo Rat
BrendanMcGarry: My Little Buddy
BrendanMcGarry: Sunset Over Malheur
BrendanMcGarry: We Brought the Wet With US
BrendanMcGarry: Go Pelicans Go
BrendanMcGarry: The Dispute
BrendanMcGarry: The Icterid Hoard
BrendanMcGarry: The Dispute Two
BrendanMcGarry: What are you doing here?
BrendanMcGarry: Whitebutts
BrendanMcGarry: Great Horned Owl Nest
BrendanMcGarry: Gopher Snake
BrendanMcGarry: Gopher Snake 2
BrendanMcGarry: Milbert's Tortoiseshell
BrendanMcGarry: Milbert's Tortoiseshell
BrendanMcGarry: Pacific Treefrog (or Chorus Frog)
BrendanMcGarry: Teasel Field