brendanlim: No need to go in here anymore :/
brendanlim: Bye kajeet! I'll miss u guys
brendanlim: Gotta use the coffee machine one last time!
brendanlim: Pete paying for my farewell lunch.
brendanlim: Last day at kaeet. They already jacked my monitor and keyboard :)
brendanlim: Last late night kajeet deployment ever. Very sad ;(
brendanlim: Playing pool with brent
brendanlim: Now all I gotta do is just wait for the damn update
brendanlim: Macworld 2008 is today and I'm dressed for the occasion
brendanlim: Mom and dad waiting for me to go through security
brendanlim: Dad talking to me at the airport
brendanlim: About to take me to the airport in Atlanta
brendanlim: My work from auburn setup is beautiful
brendanlim: Only a few of my dads wall of achievements