Brendan J.:
Just a little guy
Brendan J.:
Still very tentative about putting phone photos on Flickr, like it's some kind of sacred camera zone
Brendan J.:
Just three little guys
Brendan J.:
The Renaissance Faire band has arrived to torment you
Brendan J.:
Untitled goose photo
Brendan J.:
Turt alert
Brendan J.:
Seriously though why is one wing pointy and one not
Brendan J.:
Kat saw a bird
Brendan J.:
This is the bird
Brendan J.:
Little lantern light
Brendan J.:
I have never successfully identified a flower
Brendan J.:
Brendan J.:
I find this very soothing to look at
Brendan J.:
Moss is just taking a nap ok
Brendan J.:
Brendan J.:
This is actually a fountain. Water goes up. Tricked you
Brendan J.:
One of these things is not like the others
Brendan J.:
It looks like half of this garden is wet but that's actually just a shadow
Brendan J.:
Very obliging sky here
Brendan J.:
Brendan J.:
I really couldn't get enough of these
Brendan J.:
Looking up
Brendan J.:
One careful repair
Brendan J.:
These guys again
Brendan J.:
Amigara Fault
Brendan J.:
Cool hat
Brendan J.:
Where are their legs WHERE ARE THEIR LEGS
Brendan J.:
Haircuts were rare occasions at this time
Brendan J.:
You will NOT enter this single square yard of overgrown island