Brendan J.: Hella's hair is fiber optic
Brendan J.: The Stardancers have flare
Brendan J.: Welcome to Earth
Brendan J.: Nobody got the memo. There was no memo
Brendan J.: Certain aspects of Seattle are borderline acceptable
Brendan J.: Just at a normal game convention, playing normal games with normal friends
Brendan J.: Yeah, you know. Role-playing games
Brendan J.: Sincerely glad we didn't run into any unsuspecting stoned teenagers in the middle of the night
Brendan J.: They fight crime
Brendan J.: Like a satellite of love
Brendan J.: Jackson rocked the sidestache before it was cool. He was only partially in this dimension though
Brendan J.: DUAL VICTORY?!
Brendan J.: Ghost audience
Brendan J.: Where the party flat
Brendan J.: You cannot hope to stand before the funk
Brendan J.: How many of these arms do you think belong to Jackson, because you're wrong
Brendan J.: Meanwhile the sky was just DOING this
Brendan J.: My normal friends doing their cool hobbies
Brendan J.: Saint Lukas
Brendan J.: Saint Alexander
Brendan J.: Saint Jackson
Brendan J.: Saint Jamie
Brendan J.: Saint Daniel
Brendan J.: Don't worry, I'm an unprofessional
Brendan J.: Throwing shapes