Brendan J.: Very big frame for a very small window
Brendan J.: Weird false-perspective window tunnel that was apparently designed to make the wall look deeper than it was
Brendan J.: Wow, that is some perfectly centered lens flare
Brendan J.: I am not sure I can explain why I find this so mesmerizing
Brendan J.: We'll knock that wall down one of these days, sir
Brendan J.: You, too, can take pictures like Brendan. 1) Get a wide-angle lens 2) Stand directly in front of something circular
Brendan J.: Those are the raven pens on the other side. I was hoping a raven would fly up or perch where I could get it in the frame. Stupid ravens
Brendan J.: Arrow slit, arrow slit, satellite dish, arrow slit
Brendan J.: Maria is officially tired of me taking her picture