Brendan J.:
This looks a lot cooler when you pretend the nose hole is for its ENORMOUS SINGLE EYE
Brendan J.:
The only thing Dali's Space Elephant fears
Brendan J.:
Paleologic time
Brendan J.:
I think Holly has a good shot of me getting this one
Brendan J.:
I spent half an hour fiddling with the colors in this pic to make it look old-timey before I decided I liked it the way it was. Anyway, best room ever
Brendan J.:
I didn't see any signs, so you must be allowed to climb on it
Brendan J.:
His tusks need boxing gloves on the ends
Brendan J.:
Guys, I got drunk and glued fur all over the rhino model! Oh no! What are we going to do! WAIT, I KNOW
Brendan J.:
Giraffe and Whale Are Friends
Brendan J.:
Brendan J.:
As far as I know there are no games where you play the crew of a spaceship built into the skeleton of a gigantic whale. This is inexcusable
Brendan J.:
We turned a corner and I thought this was a cool new exhibit you could crawl through but no, just scaffolding
Brendan J.:
Tabletop in the Dana (Science) Centre which, Holly believes, were secretly made by people who hate science
Brendan J.:
Either Kevan or Holly pointed out that this wasn't a (D)ana Centre initial, it was a Cyclops sticking out its tongue