Are you eligible to vote? Have you registered to vote? If you have moved since the last election, have you re-registered to vote? Have you checked your voter registration? If you won't be home for the next election(s), have you requested an absentee ballo
A little 2-22-22 fun from my @sdsu_womens_soccer and @aztecmenssoccer archives, to celebrate this once in a lifetime day and date. Thanks to all the past and current 2s and 22s, and all the players, for making it fun. #22222 #22222day #goaztecs #collegeso
Super Flower Blood Moon, La Mesa, California, May 15, 2022. Even though we got out a little late, we had a great view of the moon in a parking lot just a few steps away. Pulled up a chair, set up the tripod, ate some chocolate, and watched the moon enter
Congratulations to all the SDSU @GoAztecs, @goaztecsfacops, and @DAztecSports graduates, especially @sdsu_womens_soccer @aztecmenssoccer @aztecwbb @aztecwlax @sdsucheer, @sdsudiamonds @sdsudanceteam student-athletes. Thanks for making the Mesa more fun. N
I'm watching the Jan 6 hearings. I hope whatever your political beliefs are, you are too. They are on YouTube. Watch for yourself. "[W]herever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wron
I am not an incubator. I am a person before I am anything else. My body parts do not define or limit my totality.