starblink1: Gentle as the touch of fluttering wings....
starblink1: My Garden Visitor
starblink1: He and she
starblink1: sunshine on my shoulders
starblink1: At Clinton River
starblink1: preying mantis come to call
starblink1: bug with bulging eyes
starblink1: At the Park
starblink1: Do the bunny hop
starblink1: A morning surprise
starblink1: Day at Zoo with T & B (12)
starblink1: Spring, new life (crop)
starblink1: In the aviary
starblink1: butterfly house
starblink1: Butterfly house
starblink1: Peacock in brush
starblink1: Landing on icy water
starblink1: Flight
starblink1: We are a couple
starblink1: Walking on ice
starblink1: Like that style
starblink1: Peacock showing off
starblink1: Peacock splendor
starblink1: Parrot
starblink1: Spider
starblink1: bird flight 1
starblink1: crop bird
starblink1: Found a peanut