brenawalker: the flag
brenawalker: We did a little sightseeing in Beijing
brenawalker: At the Forbidden City, Beijing
brenawalker: Entrance to Forbidden city
brenawalker: The fog was heavy -- just before the 2008 Olympics -- in Tiananmen Square
brenawalker: Sarah, Brena, Billy, and Frank near the Forbidden City entrance
brenawalker: Exotic foods
brenawalker: The quads and Aunt Lily
brenawalker: Brena and Jimmie enjoyed all the food!
brenawalker: Dr. Betts Rivet, right, is 80 and has been teaching in Fuzhou for 15 years!
brenawalker: Fuzhou
brenawalker: At the moon gate, music school, with the headmistress and Martha
brenawalker: The old barracks are dorms at the Beijing music school
brenawalker: Practice room at the music school, Beijing
brenawalker: Some of our younger students, at the music school
brenawalker: Performers at the music school in Beijing
brenawalker: She is a terrific pianist!
brenawalker: Here we are after the recital.
brenawalker: This 12-year-old could play well
brenawalker: The cool flautist
brenawalker: I wish we had sound to hear this one
brenawalker: a native Chinese instrument
brenawalker: a flautist in native costume
brenawalker: Our whole teacher group in Fuzhou
brenawalker: At the music shop in Fuzhou--to hear the Erhu
brenawalker: Fuzhou and the ship building area
brenawalker: Lan and I enjoyed the history lesson
brenawalker: Well, I did teach!
brenawalker: Heather and I became friends
brenawalker: My special group!