Bregg: Lovina sunrise
Bregg: Mias and his ghost brother
Bregg: Lubitel double exposure
Bregg: Gerechtsgebouw
Bregg: Portrait nr 1
Bregg: Sunrise over Kidepo Valey
Bregg: Posing for the muzungu
Bregg: Some fun at the swimming pool
Bregg: The fall
Bregg: just hanging about
Bregg: How to jump higher?
Bregg: When the rain passed by...
Bregg: After the rain...
Bregg: Time to swim back home
Bregg: Leaving Ladakh
Bregg: Giggling girls
Bregg: Above
Bregg: Leaky roof
Bregg: Souk scenery
Bregg: And watch the world spinning, gently out of time...
Bregg: Forky situations
Bregg: Escaping my inner demons
Bregg: Ignorant
Bregg: Meter mess
Bregg: Daylight
Bregg: Sahara sanddunes
Bregg: Marakesh Souks
Bregg: Jma el Fna sundown
Bregg: Looking for birds