brefoto: Anzère, Swiss Alps
brefoto: Passage Interdit
brefoto: Bisse
brefoto: Zeuzier
brefoto: Le Lac des Dix
brefoto: Mountain Valley
brefoto: Le Lac des Dix Panorama
brefoto: Ibex
brefoto: Ibex
brefoto: Common frog or "Rana temporaria"
brefoto: Le Lac des Dix
brefoto: High Mountain Clouds
brefoto: Spider Art #1
brefoto: Spider Art #2
brefoto: Ents
brefoto: Among The Clouds
brefoto: Welcome to my parlour...
brefoto: Arcyptera fusca
brefoto: Morning Fog
brefoto: Eye of the storm
brefoto: 30 second view
brefoto: Hidden Valley
brefoto: Morning dew
brefoto: Umbrella mushroom - (Macro) Lepiota procera
brefoto: One Tree Hill
brefoto: High Summit
brefoto: Le Lac Souterrain St-Leonard
brefoto: Ibex