brefoto: Dublin Bay
brefoto: Dublin
brefoto: Killiney Hill Panorama
brefoto: The "V"
brefoto: Dublin
brefoto: Grey Seal, Dun Laoghaire Harbour
brefoto: Black Guillemot
brefoto: South Bull Wall
brefoto: Ferry leaving Dublin Bay
brefoto: South Bull Wall
brefoto: Dun Laoghaire
brefoto: Point Depot
brefoto: Grey Squirrel
brefoto: Daisies
brefoto: Flower
brefoto: Flower
brefoto: Downwash
brefoto: Killiney Hill
brefoto: Heron
brefoto: West Breakwater
brefoto: West Pier, Dun Laoghaire
brefoto: Niall
brefoto: Conall
brefoto: The Breffni Bar
brefoto: Nose rub
brefoto: Curiosity killed the cat...