camillej: hottt
camillej: Leah with the haaay hand
camillej: Kimmy booty
camillej: and..... jam
camillej: dance floor
camillej: confetti/cat eyes
camillej: skills
camillej: Lee and I, I'm doing his face, he's doing Carmen Electra's face
camillej: dirty Monte
camillej: retro
camillej: wild ladies
camillej: Kim and I at the MFAH
camillej: They didn't want the party to end.
camillej: her favorite position
camillej: power couple, he had fleas
camillej: Sarah
camillej: kitty can scratch
camillej: purrrfect couple
camillej: rrrrrrrrr
camillej: dance photo
camillej: Me and Kimmy
camillej: IMG_4296
camillej: IMG_4295
camillej: lonestar stance
camillej: mommy dearest
camillej: secret, secret
camillej: 2.15.08 002
camillej: what a sweet couple
camillej: classy
camillej: sparkles