camillej: me and legs.jpg
camillej: camilleSanta.jpg
camillej: lulubaby
camillej: sewnselfCROPPAINT
camillej: IMG_0898
camillej: hair 2.16.07
camillej: wear your retainers
camillej: i look like an alien
camillej: Sasfari Pink
camillej: fav colors...for now
camillej: look at my shitty walls
camillej: IMG_2543
camillej: who DOESN'T own this shirt?
camillej: I love my 80's bathing suit and my cheapo glasses, oh and barton springs
camillej: IMG_1669
camillej: maclean knitted a necklace
camillej: IMG_1643
camillej: IMG_1369
camillej: IMG_1261
camillej: IMG_1208
camillej: ahoy
camillej: shirt for seattle- ahoy
camillej: shirt for seattle
camillej: TERDBALLS
camillej: drama mama
camillej: i made a jumper!
camillej: checkin out competition
camillej: IMG_2056
camillej: Zing