camillej: lulu wearing my goods
camillej: DSCF0201
camillej: OMG best grapefruit drink EVER
camillej: we were there
camillej: coliseum
camillej: colisuem
camillej: coliseum
camillej: coliseum
camillej: Coliseum
camillej: church in Florence?
camillej: condom machine
camillej: Bar in Riomaggiore, beer and limoncello shots
camillej: bar in Riomaggiore
camillej: lots of stairs
camillej: our homeade dinner
camillej: DSCF0132
camillej: cute TV, badass view
camillej: DSCF0128
camillej: Riomaggior apt. Kitchen
camillej: DSCF0126
camillej: Rachel in Riomaggiore apt.
camillej: DSCF0124
camillej: bed in Riomaggiore apt.
camillej: Corniglia mural maybe?
camillej: DSCF0113
camillej: dinner on our porch!
camillej: kitchen in Monterosso
camillej: groceries
camillej: balcony in Monerosso
camillej: Milan hotel- we pushed the beds together