camillej: cucumber sammiches
camillej: lil cracker sammich
camillej: Megan's bridal showers spread
camillej: ccd casserole
camillej: ccd casserole
camillej: Vegetarian Sheperd's Pie
camillej: veggie sheperd's pie
camillej: fake chicken vietnamese sammich
camillej: just added fat free nayonaise and hoison once I got it on the bread
camillej: my plate before it went to bread
camillej: fake chicken stir fry
camillej: mmm, stir-fry
camillej: IMG_2029
camillej: baked eggplant parmesan sammich 7 pts
camillej: IMG_2002
camillej: baked eggplant parmesan sammich
camillej: my Pitza with onions and mushrooms
camillej: Anna's vegetable curry, my homeade chipati
camillej: Homeade low fat Chipati, mmmmmm
camillej: carrie made a wrap with hers
camillej: My mom's brisket
camillej: mmm, look at the burnt parts!
camillej: grilled mushrooms and onions on a sammich, SOOO good
camillej: mushroom onion sammich
camillej: Low Fat Veggie Mex Tarts
camillej: prep
camillej: king ranch
camillej: Vegetarian King Ranch Casserole
camillej: fresh king ranch
camillej: i made king ranch eggs the next morning