Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo with daughter, Leylanie, and son, Aidan
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo with daughter, Leylanie, and son, Aidan
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo with daughter, Leylanie, and son, Aidan
Bread for the World: Aidan Rodriguez
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo with son, Aidan
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo with son, Aidan
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo with son, Aidan
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdowith daughter, Leylanie
Bread for the World: Leylanie Rodriguez eats supper
Bread for the World: Leylanie Rodriguez eats supper
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo kisses son, Aidan
Bread for the World: Aidan Rodriguez
Bread for the World: Aidan Rodriguez
Bread for the World: Leylanie Rodriguez
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo with son, Aidan, and daughter, Leylanie
Bread for the World: Jeanette Salguero
Bread for the World: Jeanette Salguero
Bread for the World: Jeanette Salguero
Bread for the World: Derick Dailey
Bread for the World: Derick Dailey
Bread for the World: Derick Dailey
Bread for the World: Second Helpings
Bread for the World: Second Helpings
Bread for the World: Second Helpings
Bread for the World: Barbie Izquierdo