This Way - Birding Services: Carlos and Segundo, the guide in Reserva Las Gralarias
This Way - Birding Services: Viviane and a large leaf of Anturio
This Way - Birding Services: Getting photo of a Lagartixa
This Way - Birding Services: Crater of Quilotoa
This Way - Birding Services: Quito from up high
This Way - Birding Services: Wild Passion Flower in Ecuador
This Way - Birding Services: Wild flower on Quilotoa border
This Way - Birding Services: Cactus on the habitat of Band-tailed Sierra-Finch
This Way - Birding Services: Cotopaxi Volcano
This Way - Birding Services: Variable Hawk (Immature)
This Way - Birding Services: Aplomado Falcon
This Way - Birding Services: Chestnut-breasted Coronet
This Way - Birding Services: Velvet-purple Coronet
This Way - Birding Services: Tourmaline Sunangel
This Way - Birding Services: Tourmaline Sunangel - Female
This Way - Birding Services: Tourmaline Sunangel - Female
This Way - Birding Services: Tyrian Metaltail
This Way - Birding Services: Tyrian Metaltail - Female
This Way - Birding Services: Sword-billed Hummingbird
This Way - Birding Services: Sword-billed Hummingbird
This Way - Birding Services: Speckled Hummingbird
This Way - Birding Services: Sparkling Violetear
This Way - Birding Services: Shining Sunbeam
This Way - Birding Services: Shining Sunbeam
This Way - Birding Services: Shining Sunbeam (Immature)