andycharris: It all looks so civilised at this point
andycharris: Some of Paul C's friends
andycharris: Rob and Paul looking lovely
andycharris: Ady, Paul and John. Ady was the only sober one by the end.
andycharris: "No, no. Don't tell me. The number you're thinkin of is...7?"
andycharris: Add your own 'ball' gag here.
andycharris: Now, those clouds look surprisingly innocuous, don't they?
andycharris: Another nice one of Rob and Paul - don't you just hate photogenic people
andycharris: How evil does he look??!!?? (And I'm talking about Paul here!)
andycharris: And Ady carries on being sober
andycharris: Some more of Paul's friends
andycharris: Ha! A not nice one of the pair of them - definitely keeping that!
andycharris: Sometimes we actually look as though we get on, don't we?
andycharris: A terrible trio.
andycharris: Lots of giggling.
andycharris: Being loomed over
andycharris: 'You have the right to remain silent"
andycharris: Finally, some flags
andycharris: Mike makes a sudden dramatic appearance
andycharris: Flags! And dark, brooding, heavy with rain type clouds
andycharris: I think we were waving them to Queen at this point - any excuse, eh?
andycharris: And, suddenly, night falls. Oh and Mike's playing the fool too
andycharris: Brief moment of calm
andycharris: Now, how drunk do we look?
andycharris: Paul and Helen give the whole hetero thing a go.
andycharris: Wonder if it worked for them?
andycharris: Finally, a photo of Claire. Where was she all evening?
andycharris: He looks a little the worse for wear, doesn't he?
andycharris: The Pauls. Which one would you choose?
andycharris: And it rained. Good grief, how it rained!