andycharris: Wendy gets some pressies
andycharris: Wendy carefully opens pressie - think she's worried about what it might be!
andycharris: This stuff has an awful lot to answer for!
andycharris: See, she was happy to be going!
andycharris: Gemma says something embarrassing
andycharris: A slight lull in the proceedings - it didn't last
andycharris: Wendy gets a teapot
andycharris: The girls start the singing - this was about as good as it got
andycharris: Nick lines up 'Blue Suede Shoes'
andycharris: Robin and Nick sing to Wendy - poor Wendy!
andycharris: Everyone looks slightly baffled by this one - a theme of the evening that...
andycharris: Rug Man turns his cloak the right way round
andycharris: Rug Man enjoys the attention
andycharris: Please, sir, can I have some more