andycharris: Sarah delves into her pressie
andycharris: And then tries to work out what it is
andycharris: Rachie and her pressie
andycharris: Notice the weighting towards drinks
andycharris: Andy has a quick rummage
andycharris: And plays with a landlord
andycharris: Mike very impressed with his...
andycharris: ...earphone hat thing
andycharris: Gav reveals the booze
andycharris: Toffee vodka!!
andycharris: Volcano (well, actually Thunder) vodka
andycharris: Mike and I
andycharris: Al and Sarah with Christmas cheer
andycharris: The lovely girls
andycharris: Gav and Mike
andycharris: After the vodka
andycharris: Al looks a little the worse for wear
andycharris: The whole gang - almost
andycharris: A bit of belly dancing