andycharris: New York Public Library
andycharris: Empire State Building
andycharris: Empire State from below
andycharris: Window at Macy's
andycharris: Inside Macy's
andycharris: They had a flower thing going on
andycharris: Honestly, I wasn't that excited by 'Heroes'
andycharris: Paul in Time Square
andycharris: Time Square again
andycharris: Some buildings south of Central Park
andycharris: On the Merry-Go-Round
andycharris: How old am I? Good grief...
andycharris: Paul gets a bit more daring
andycharris: Central Park
andycharris: Bethesda fountain in Central Park
andycharris: Paul on the fountain
andycharris: Looking back at the foutain
andycharris: Bridge on the lake
andycharris: That fountain again
andycharris: Cleopatra's Needle
andycharris: Blossom!
andycharris: Lamp in the spring light
andycharris: The Needle again
andycharris: The weird castle thing
andycharris: I mean, why would you build one here?
andycharris: Me on the battlements
andycharris: The Met
andycharris: Reading 'The Ugly Duckling'
andycharris: View from the Empire State
andycharris: Lots of lights