andycharris: Frasor starts as he means to go on
andycharris: As does Mat
andycharris: "No, no, you see that's just not a definition list"
andycharris: This was taken to prove we weren't hallucinating
andycharris: The thing to notice here is that Nick has done his hair
andycharris: A staple part of any Christmas celebration
andycharris: "I still think you can use a definition list in this case"
andycharris: Not sure what the little sign thingy with the hand means
andycharris: "You see, if I finish this one it'll be a nice round number of cocktails"
andycharris: Poor Tom, doesn't know what's about to hit him
andycharris: Sally looking absolutely lovely
andycharris: Nick looking like he's being told off
andycharris: My word, what a big mouth
andycharris: Tom looks concerned that the bottle might be heading for his face
andycharris: Fraser's angels. And Tom.
andycharris: Stefanie looking terribly happy to be here
andycharris: Wonder why I went all odd angles on this one
andycharris: How comes Julie always looks gorgeous?
andycharris: Well, almost.
andycharris: And a Merry Christmas to you too
andycharris: Alex making sure his last London Christmas for a while goes down well.
andycharris: "You're my best friend, you are"
andycharris: I'm really, really going to miss him. Annoyingly wonderful git that he is.
andycharris: I'm sure there's a santa gag in here somewhere
andycharris: Same to you, my dear.
andycharris: Very fetching, Jason. Very you.
andycharris: Great to have Caroline back, as well, must be getting sentimental in my old age.
andycharris: Slightly scary elf?
andycharris: Jon does his thing for the camera
andycharris: Time for bed?