andycharris: We had a little place all of our own.
andycharris: Louise's top half
andycharris: And Louise's bottom half - bit of an Alice in Wonderland moment
andycharris: Catalogue Paul
andycharris: Henry pops in to say hi too.
andycharris: We had a few banged heads by the end of the weekend
andycharris: The other guests had tents - ha!
andycharris: Suzy and Nicky enjoy the sun
andycharris: Sam and Beth vs...
andycharris: ...James and
andycharris: The gang decide on the next activity
andycharris: And decide on bowls - for some reason
andycharris: But Paul discovers a natural talent for it
andycharris: Suprisingly, so does the dog
andycharris: Action shot of Henry playing volley ball against...
andycharris: ...his lovely wife Louise
andycharris: I think it got kinda competitive
andycharris: While everyone else gives giant Jenga a go
andycharris: Classy, ain't he?
andycharris: A much needed rest after all that activity
andycharris: Probably discussing the merits of owning a hot tub of their very own