andycharris: The turkey. No, not the bloke standing up, the meat!
andycharris: Our Christmas lounge
andycharris: The Christmas tree. Obvious really.
andycharris: James and Stuart thrilled to be there.
andycharris: The lovely Helen
andycharris: Pressies! Love pressies. Pressies are good!
andycharris: Looks a bit scary in this one, don't he?
andycharris: Party hats and dinner. Yay!
andycharris: Caleb had to work so he had his dinner later.
andycharris: Drinking party games afterwards. Proper Christmas this was!
andycharris: The Ealing posse.
andycharris: Chris obviously hasn't had a drop to drink
andycharris: Caleb charms Helen.
andycharris: Oh dear, the singings started...
andycharris: That's quite a nice photo. This time, I'm not in charge of the camera, you see.
andycharris: Chris still hasn't drunk anything.
andycharris: Arghhh! He's woken up!
andycharris: These are really attractive piccies, aren't they?
andycharris: Caleb looks pleased with himself for some reason
andycharris: Paul dances. No, really, that is what he's doing.
andycharris: Everything getting a little cloady
andycharris: Why am I clutching his arm like that?
andycharris: And now I've got James'. Bizarre.
andycharris: On the way home
andycharris: A happy couple
andycharris: Paul gets comfy
andycharris: I'm obviously amazed by the iPod
andycharris: YAY! Think there might have been singing again here.
andycharris: Helen edges towards unconsciousness
andycharris: Another happy couple