Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: centre piece wall one brave one & mr frisbee
Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: enjoy the countryside …..whilst they speed muck on the fields
Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: eventually got mu;sh in all the gaps between the bricks
Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: centre piece wall one brave one & mr frisbee
Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: DSC_603feed the bins…..plume school ideas2
Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: time for the youth offering boys to help out
Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: pointing is a pain in the neck!
Brave Arts. Spray can art & Graffiti Workshops: when we first got their the wall looked like this