BrandyVSOP: My Word for the Day
BrandyVSOP: Whoop-de-do My word for the day 😉
BrandyVSOP: Time to say goodbye to my Christmas phone case 😢
BrandyVSOP: Time to say goodbye to my Christmas phone case 😢
BrandyVSOP: Now this is a great Christmas Present ❤💗💚💞💟💛💜💓💞❣
BrandyVSOP: Christmas dinner Finaly got to the Apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream for dessert. 😁
BrandyVSOP: Christmas dinner Finaly got to the Apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream for dessert. 😁
BrandyVSOP: Christmas dinner ... delicious ham, artichoke rice salad, orange crannberry relish, fresh rolls, and sparkling apple crannberry cider. I did good. Apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream later for dessert. 😁
BrandyVSOP: Lucky depressed, waiting his favorite sisters present.
BrandyVSOP: When do we get to open presents?
BrandyVSOP: Lucky just found out his favorite sisters present won't get here now until Tuesday. :'(
BrandyVSOP: Waiting for Santa. 😀
BrandyVSOP: My beautiful boy, tiered, waiting for Christmas 💖💗❤💛💜
BrandyVSOP: My beautiful boy, tiered, waiting for Christmas 💖💗❤💛💜
BrandyVSOP: So some special friends are getting this pair of cranes for Christmas. They have everthing, and could buy anything they want. They are about 40" tall on their stands. 😉
BrandyVSOP: 2017-12-19_05-46-11
BrandyVSOP: So some special friends are getting this pair of cranes for Christmas. They have everthing, and could buy anything they want. They don't do FB or Flickr, so I can share them here. They are about 40" tall on their stands. 😉
BrandyVSOP: This is a really large rocking chair that I just recaned the side panels and back. It is quite impressive. It has an upholstered seat that drops in.
BrandyVSOP: This is a really large rocking chair that I just recaned the side panels and back. It is quite impressive. It has an upholstered seat that drops in.
BrandyVSOP: A beautiful early Chritmas present I was given yesterday. I will always treasure it.
BrandyVSOP: Some addictions die hard. So far so good. 😉
BrandyVSOP: Wigs Unlimited My Secret Girlfriend is back in my favorite wig... Been a while since I saw her like this ❤💜💗💞~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Providing wigs, hairpieces, and h
BrandyVSOP: Wigs Unlimited My Secret Girlfriend is back in my favorite wig... Been a while since I saw her like this ❤💜💗💞~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Providing wigs, hairpieces, and h
BrandyVSOP: Wigs Unlimited My Secret Girlfriend is back in my favorite wig... Been a while since I saw her like this ❤💜💗💞~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Providing wigs, hairpieces, and h
BrandyVSOP: Wigs Unlimited My Secret Girlfriend is back in my favorite wig... Been a while since I saw her like this ❤💜💗💞~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Providing wigs, hairpieces, and h
BrandyVSOP: Wigs Unlimited My Secret Girlfriend is back in my favorite wig... Been a while since I saw her like this ❤💜💗💞~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Wells Wigs Unlimited, Inc.~ Providing wigs, hairpieces, and h
BrandyVSOP: It's one of those kind of days 😀
BrandyVSOP: We got some beautiful flowers for Thanksgiving from my lady's son and his wife.. Thank you for such a lovey present to brighten up our home.
BrandyVSOP: Still tiered. 😫😪
BrandyVSOP: Very tiered Lucky boy and his friend. ❤