apatchworkbones: port a potty viewing
apatchworkbones: equal rights for wizards
apatchworkbones: magic powers are not a choice
apatchworkbones: civility please
apatchworkbones: at my tea parties we respect differences of opinion
apatchworkbones: homophobia is so gay
apatchworkbones: my feng shui is more harmonius than yours
apatchworkbones: legalize pot...and text
apatchworkbones: axis of ignorance: party of "no"; tea party; fox news
apatchworkbones: no more bull...i disagree with you, but i'm pretty sure you're not hitler
apatchworkbones: bob ross says take it easy
apatchworkbones: i have 2 cancers i fear losing health insurance
apatchworkbones: gay nazi mexicans are raising our taxes
apatchworkbones: stewarts is bigger than becks
apatchworkbones: keep fear alive vote republican
apatchworkbones: unemployed superhero - the master of degrees shackled by debt