sir chalky: Green everywhere!
sir chalky: Barnyards
sir chalky: Before the climbing began, Travis was happy
sir chalky: The start of our climbing
sir chalky: Rolling Green Hills
sir chalky: More Climbing ...
sir chalky: Climbing ...
sir chalky: East Bay
sir chalky: Climbing ....
sir chalky: Secret Drink Mix. Sssshhh
sir chalky: Morgan Territory Peak
sir chalky: The lone picnic bench
sir chalky: Forest Canopy
sir chalky: The first of many uphills
sir chalky: Lots of pushing
sir chalky: Yet more cattle
sir chalky: East Bay!
sir chalky: Flowers + Bikes
sir chalky: Still not at the top
sir chalky: Chug! Chug!
sir chalky: Mount Diablo
sir chalky: The final descent to Morgan Territory Road
sir chalky: Campsite Fuel
sir chalky: Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve
sir chalky: At the top of our descent into the valley
sir chalky: Descending into the valley to our campsite
sir chalky: Obligatory Self shot
sir chalky: Tent
sir chalky: Coyotes preparing to eat us
sir chalky: Our Campsite