sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: Cell phone pedometer!
sir chalky: The all boys/girls? school in St. Gallen
sir chalky: Red Street Lounge
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: Or stand on the car
sir chalky: Hard shell egg breaker!
sir chalky: Girolle! aka cheese flowers
sir chalky: The hills of Appenzeller
sir chalky: Appenzeller
sir chalky: Appenzeller
sir chalky: Kitsch Hell
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: Chicken coop!
sir chalky: St. Galler Bratwurst and potato cake
sir chalky: The view from my room in Zurich
sir chalky: CRUNNNNNK CITY!
sir chalky: Dinner I made one night
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: Tower #1267
sir chalky: Tower #5637
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: Children's safety vests
sir chalky: Outdoor grill
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: The slide to dinner
sir chalky: Zurich Trip 2008
sir chalky: New York from the sky