sir chalky: Self Portrait (circa Nov 2004)
sir chalky: The Boats of Copenhagen
sir chalky: The Boats of Copenhagen
sir chalky: Guarding the Queen
sir chalky: A Photoshop Creation
sir chalky: Blargh!
sir chalky: The Twisting Torso
sir chalky: RAR! RAR! RAR!
sir chalky: A sea of bodies
sir chalky: katty sleeps by the fire
sir chalky: the streets of warsaw revisited
sir chalky: buses and painting with light
sir chalky: double crossed
sir chalky: me and my external flash
sir chalky: the old man checking the street
sir chalky: islands brygges
sir chalky: reflections in the rain water
sir chalky: a night out on town
sir chalky: a nice building
sir chalky: playing with light in london
sir chalky: danish pride
sir chalky: roskilde church
sir chalky: a girl enjoying her ice cream
sir chalky: reflection
sir chalky: water
sir chalky: flower
sir chalky: so stoic
sir chalky: the little girl appears again
sir chalky: beer = danish culture
sir chalky: the little girl can jump