Brandon birder: 140227 Robin with Nikon D7200 and Nikkor 300mm f4 PF-E
Brandon birder: 118864 Great Crested Grebe V3 and 300mm f4 PF E at Attenborough Nature Reserve
Brandon birder: 115007 Short Eared Owl pouncing D810 and 300mm f2.8vr
Brandon birder: 114042 Short Eared Owl V3 and Nikon 300mm PF E
Brandon birder: 112797 Great Spotted Woodpecker with V3 and Nikon 300mm f4 E PF
Brandon birder: 113748 Tree Sparrow in the hawthorns with V3 and Nikons new 300mm f4 PF lens (1/8th crop)
Brandon birder: 109880 Curlew at Upton Warren V3 70-300CX lens
Brandon birder: 106116 Tree Sparrow in Autumn afternoon light
Brandon birder: 106332 Great Spotted Woodpecker
Brandon birder: 102341 Water Rail at RSPB Middleton Hall Nikon V3 and 70-300CX lens at iso 3200
Brandon birder: 87931 Sedge Warbler singing in flight over Upton Warren
Brandon birder: 87890 Sedge Warbler on an Alder at Upton Warren
Brandon birder: 85944 Collared Dove with V3
Brandon birder: 85955 Jackdaw in a dappled glade with the V3
Brandon birder: 85816 Proud parents. Grebe family at Coombe Abbey lake
Brandon birder: 82188 Robin in the Spring
Brandon birder: 71135 Bullfinch at Upton Warren
Brandon birder: 70924 Blue Tit at Upton Warren
Brandon birder: 20140120_69386 Water Rail at Upton Warren
Brandon birder: 69654 Overwintering Grey Wagtail
Brandon birder: 69422 Water Rail at Upton Warren
Brandon birder: 68132 Buzzard Hi iso from moving car
Brandon birder: 67981 Great Grey Shrike at long distance
Brandon birder: 67500 Great Spotted Woodpecker
Brandon birder: 65344 Little Grebe with a stickleback
Brandon birder: 64471 Tree Sparrow
Brandon birder: 64453 Raven calling in flight
Brandon birder: 63953 Marsh Tit feeding at Summer Leys in deep shade
Brandon birder: 63927 Chaffinch at Summer Leys