Brandon Milner Photography:
Andrea in her immobile space
Brandon Milner Photography:
Andrea's friend Ande takes her turn
Brandon Milner Photography:
Rafe shows his mic technique
Brandon Milner Photography:
Thoughtful Rafe
Brandon Milner Photography:
Alcena about to bust out the moves
Brandon Milner Photography:
The aforementioned move
Brandon Milner Photography:
Rafe fans whir and twirl
Brandon Milner Photography:
Alcena patented this move. You can't do it.
Brandon Milner Photography:
Looks a suprise Gwen in the audience!
Brandon Milner Photography:
The classic camera at arms length shot
Brandon Milner Photography:
2008.08.02 - Rafe show @ ToST-22
Brandon Milner Photography:
Rafe pearlman rocks out in video format
Brandon Milner Photography:
2008.08.02 - Rafe show @ ToST-09