brandi666: Top of the pile.
brandi666: Tyler is hot. (redux)
brandi666: Not the best one.
brandi666: Tyler is hot.
brandi666: And animated.
brandi666: And has a nice smile.
brandi666: lined up.
brandi666: Inside the lines.
brandi666: overhead
brandi666: Someone drank Elijah's wine.
brandi666: Shoes!
brandi666: Oh, Teh Hotness!
brandi666: I was too lazy to get off the couch
brandi666: James Loves The Blondes
brandi666: Whee!
brandi666: Hahahahahaha *snort*
brandi666: Mace!
brandi666: Just like on TV.
brandi666: I like them.
brandi666: I do.
brandi666: Frogs a Flyin'!
brandi666: Frog Rapture
brandi666: Chandelier?
brandi666: Awwwww.
brandi666: Hee!
brandi666: Whatcha Lookin' At, Dude?
brandi666: Disco Kids
brandi666: Ball Walker
brandi666: Monk.
brandi666: Tyler's Gonna Hit Some Pins Here.