brandi666: New Message
brandi666: Sarah pulled out Tess' tooth because She's rad.
brandi666: New Message
brandi666: Cement.
brandi666: We've progressed.
brandi666: Wacky hair day inspiration: 1 part claire's, 1 part juggalo.
brandi666: duck vader... far less nefarious than that other guy.
brandi666: Jesus in the Foam.
brandi666: Sylvia in the background.
brandi666: Pretty.
brandi666: Static.
brandi666: Eyeballin'
brandi666: :P
brandi666: Charming Children
brandi666: Staring.
brandi666: Mesmerized.
brandi666: Fire Worship
brandi666: Fire Silhouette
brandi666: Tree
brandi666: bouncer.
brandi666: a game with hats.
brandi666: a game with hats.
brandi666: fallen.
brandi666: the pileup.
brandi666: the pileup.
brandi666: the pileup.
brandi666: the pileup.
brandi666: Royal court.
brandi666: Spare some candy?
brandi666: Spandying on Fair Oaks