John Brandauer: 2 on the Francis Bay Trail, Saint John, US USVI
John Brandauer: A booby, on Pelican Rock, Hansen Bay on St Johns USVI
John Brandauer: American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), above the sugar feeder, at A House of Open Arms, the cottage, Coral Bay, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: American Kestrel (Falco sparverius), above the sugar feeder, at A House of Open Arms, the cottage, Coral Bay, St. John USVI 2
John Brandauer: Anole, (Anolis cristatellus wileyae) Francis Bay Trail, Saint John, US USVI
John Brandauer: Bananaquit, (Coereba flaveola), at the sugar feeder, at A House of Open Arms, the cottage, Coral Bay, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Bananaquit, (Coereba flaveola), at the sugar feeder, at A House of Open Arms, the cottage, Coral Bay, St. John USVI 2
John Brandauer: Blue Tang, (Acanthurus coeruleus) St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Bromeliaceae on the side of the Petroglyph Trail, Virgin Islands National Park, Saint John USVI 2
John Brandauer: Caribbean hermit crab (Coenobita clypeatus), on the stairs, A House of Open Arms, Coral Bay, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Ceiling view, at A House of Open Arms, the cottage, Coral Bay, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Century Plant (Agave americana L.), on the side of the Petroglyph Trail, Virgin Islands National Park, Saint John USVI
John Brandauer: Christmas Tree Worms (Spirobranchus giganteus) St Johns USVI
John Brandauer: Common Sea Fan, (Gorgonia ventalina) and Flamingo Tongue Cowrie (Cyphoma gibbosum) St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Crab at beach
John Brandauer: Crab composting, at A House of Open Arms, the cottage, Coral Bay, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Crab tracks, Caneel Bay, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Cushion Sea Star (Oreaster reticulatus) St Johns USVI
John Brandauer: Donkey, Coral Bay, Saint John, US USVI
John Brandauer: Feather Duster Worm (Sabellidae) St. John USVI
John Brandauer: First night dinner, cooked by Catherine, A House of Open Arms, the cottage, Coral Bay, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Flambeau butterfly (dryas iulia) on the side of the Petroglyph Trail, Virgin Islands National Park, Saint John USVI
John Brandauer: Ford Ecosport Front Wheel Drive, Sunday to Wednesday morning. (expletives deleted)
John Brandauer: Francis Bay Beach, St. John USVI
John Brandauer: Francis Bay Beach, St. John USVI Bristleworm (Polychaeta)
John Brandauer: Francis Bay Beach, St. John USVI Common Squirrelfish (Holocentrus adscensionis)
John Brandauer: Francis Bay Beach, St. John USVI French grunts ( Haemulon flavolineatum)
John Brandauer: Francis Bay Beach, St. John USVI Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris)
John Brandauer: Francis Bay Trail, Saint John, US USVI
John Brandauer: Green Iguana (Iguana iguana), Coral Bay, St. John USVI