John Brandauer: QUARTZ / CALCITE China, Inner Mongolia ($"N")
John Brandauer: IMG_6291
John Brandauer: IMG_6303
John Brandauer: IMG_6302
John Brandauer: to Perky, or not to Perky...
John Brandauer: IMG_6190
John Brandauer: Quartz with Fuchite phantom Madagascar
John Brandauer: QUARTZ epimorph of Calcite Colorado, Ouray County
John Brandauer: QUARTZ epimorph of Calcite Colorado, Ouray County
John Brandauer: IMG_6177
John Brandauer: IMG_6176
John Brandauer: IMG_6175
John Brandauer: etched thumbnails, worldwide
John Brandauer: IMG_6170[1]
John Brandauer: Fluorite Octahedron/Cleavages Brazil (U)
John Brandauer: from the 2014 Fall Lebanon PA show
John Brandauer: Thumbnails from Pakistan & Afghanistan
John Brandauer: Epidote Magnetite Diopside Peshawar (27.5g)
John Brandauer: IMG_0004
John Brandauer: IMG_0003
John Brandauer: IMG_0002
John Brandauer: IMG_0001
John Brandauer: 1 of ? flats, ready, for the Franklin show
John Brandauer: Franklin Mineral Museum Gem & Mineral Show 28 SEP 2013
John Brandauer: Franklin Mineral Museum Gem & Mineral Show 28 SEP 2013
John Brandauer: The Franklin show, 28 SEP 2013
John Brandauer: researching, labeling, grading, mounting and pricing station
John Brandauer: IMG_4909
John Brandauer: IMG_4905
John Brandauer: IMG_4908