John Brandauer:
19 July 2009 A dragonfly lays eggs
John Brandauer:
7 June 2009 Red fescue representing the pond
John Brandauer:
5 July 2009 Let the digging begin
John Brandauer:
8 July 2009 the digging continues
John Brandauer:
10 July 2009 Digging near completion
John Brandauer:
30 Aug 2009 An abundance of life in the pond
John Brandauer:
30 Aug 2009 about 50 NJ native plants, by now
John Brandauer:
30 Aug 2009 The contrived solar powered pump feeds a dripper, for bird bathing and drinking
John Brandauer:
12 July 2009 Heavy rain delay
John Brandauer:
18 July 2009 EPDM liner in place, just add water
John Brandauer:
18 July 2009 Free carpet underlayment from Freecycle
John Brandauer:
John Brandauer:
Cyrano Darner (Nasiaeschna pentacantha) ?
John Brandauer:
Turkey Tangle Fogfruit (Phyla nodiflora AKA Lippia nodiflora)
John Brandauer:
Green Frog (Rana clamitans melanota) 1
John Brandauer:
John Brandauer:
John Brandauer:
Floating Primrose-Willow (Ludwigia peploides)
John Brandauer:
Pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata)
John Brandauer:
Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata )
John Brandauer:
John Brandauer:
IMG_1621 pond solar pump sprayhead
John Brandauer:
Iris virginica 'shrevii'
John Brandauer:
Narrow Leaf Cattail (Typha angustifolia)
John Brandauer:
Iris on the east end
John Brandauer:
The South west corner of the pond
John Brandauer:
Bog White Violet (Viola lanceolata)
John Brandauer:
Dwarf Evening Primrose (Oenothera minima)
John Brandauer:
Dwarf Crested Iris (Iris Cristata)
John Brandauer:
Swamp Candles (Lysimachia terrestris)