John Brandauer: IMG_4138[1]
John Brandauer: 20070814_623 spider
John Brandauer: Ant, on the unside of a leaf
John Brandauer: 20070805_451
John Brandauer: fly entering the Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans)
John Brandauer: Aphids, mostly yellow, on the Butterfly weed
John Brandauer: dragonfly 2
John Brandauer: small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii)
John Brandauer: Lone Star Tick, male (Amblyomma americanum) on (Homo Sapiens) also male
John Brandauer: "With Arms Wide Open"
John Brandauer: Bumblebee on the sedum
John Brandauer: Bee on Pink Turtlehead (Chelone lyonii) (Bumblebee, not Carpenter Bee Xylocopa virginica
John Brandauer: Jumping spider (Salticidae) on Blackberry Lily (Iris domestica)
John Brandauer: Red Milkweed Beetle (Tetraopes tetraopthalmus)
John Brandauer: IMG_7294
John Brandauer: Flower spider, or Crab Spider
John Brandauer: Female Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis)
John Brandauer: aka Green Clearwing (Erythemis simplicicollis)
John Brandauer: Red Milkweed Beetle (Tetraopes tetrophthalmus)
John Brandauer: Milkweed bug nymphs
John Brandauer: Brown Harvestman aka Daddy Longlegs
John Brandauer: IMG_7934 fly
John Brandauer: IMG_7931
John Brandauer: IMG_8096
John Brandauer: IMG_9547 fly
John Brandauer: hover fly, bee, ?
John Brandauer: IMG_9434
John Brandauer: IMG_9378
John Brandauer: Daddy longlegs
John Brandauer: Ladybug, 7 Spotted (Coccinellidae septempunctata ), with morning dew. Non-native introduced species