John Brandauer: the fat spot in the skinny stream
John Brandauer: spring fed stream
John Brandauer: Posion Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)
John Brandauer: Spotted Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata)
John Brandauer: Swamp Azaliea
John Brandauer: Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)
John Brandauer: More vetch, attacts bees, range of color NNI
John Brandauer: Vetch NNI
John Brandauer: Golden Bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea)
John Brandauer: 12 Dec 03 Fifteen Inches of snow
John Brandauer: YEE, HAH!
John Brandauer: Does falling diminish the beauty of a tree?
John Brandauer: Bracket Fungi
John Brandauer: backyard trail...
John Brandauer: backyard trail... October 9, 2016
John Brandauer: C44A5168_easyHDR
John Brandauer: "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky". Rabindranath Tagore
John Brandauer: C44A7692_easyHDR-default
John Brandauer: post Winter Storm Jonas, about 22" here...
John Brandauer: post Winter Storm Jonas, about 22" here...
John Brandauer: C44A7771_easyHDR
John Brandauer: C44A7753_easyHDR-interior
John Brandauer: C44A8119_easyHDR
John Brandauer: C44A8116_easyHDR
John Brandauer: Morning.
John Brandauer: DSCN0689_easyHDR
John Brandauer: DSCN0683_easyHDR
John Brandauer: C44A8135_easyHDR-default