brantastic: as big as your head.
brantastic: breakfast.
brantastic: familiar.
brantastic: self-portrait, the day after turning thirty-one.
brantastic: then it was dusk in illinois...
brantastic: l.a. drive-in
brantastic: sky blue sky.
brantastic: pretty fallish flowers in galena.
brantastic: i can see for miles and miles and miles.
brantastic: the holy mackerel at night!
brantastic: the holy mackerel restaurant!
brantastic: some more sunset self-portraits.
brantastic: some more sunset self-portraits.
brantastic: some more sunset self-portraits.
brantastic: welcome to elizabeth.
brantastic: sunflowers at dusk.
brantastic: big red barn.
brantastic: best barn sale mascot ever.
brantastic: the scene.
brantastic: sinclair!
brantastic: the dinosaur,
brantastic: more sinclair.
brantastic: the illustrated encyclopedia of animal life.
brantastic: roly poly.
brantastic: no sale.
brantastic: canonet.
brantastic: juxtaposition.
brantastic: one weird sign after another.
brantastic: goodbye, friend.