brantastic: grant2
brantastic: grant3
brantastic: dirty feet
brantastic: prettygirl.
brantastic: cutest
brantastic: birdwatching2
brantastic: n. and slinky
brantastic: slinkydink.
brantastic: the big 0-1!
brantastic: showing off her mad biking skillz
brantastic: g-tastic
brantastic: blurry, but man, is he cute
brantastic: laughing
brantastic: n. makes g. laugh SO HARD.
brantastic: this pretty much sums it up
brantastic: will the wonderpets save baby sea lion?
brantastic: n. and the other suzy q
brantastic: my favorites.
brantastic: smiley.
brantastic: this pretty much sums up mr. g at the moment
brantastic: he's fast, considering he can't pedal yet.
brantastic: little miss giggles.
brantastic: cracking up.
brantastic: i could just smoosh his cheeks.
brantastic: at the gate.
brantastic: frantically kicking rocks